Each one should use whatever gift he or she has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. — 1 Peter 4:10

How Can You Volunteer?


Program Volunteer

Volunteers are a vital part of making every program successful. Whether you’re interested in mentoring, serving food, playing games, or providing transportation we need you!


Additional Support

Our mission can only be met when volunteers provide behind the scenes support. We’re always looking for more people who are interested in providing food, assisting in cleaning & maintenance, and assisting with administrative tasks that keep our organization focused on serving kids.


Prayer Partner

None of our efforts on a daily basis can happen without a strong team of partners who pray for our organization, our efforts to meet our mission, and all of the kids we encounter. We believe the strongest advocates for the youth in our community are those invested in praying for them.

To learn a little more about what all of our programs look like and what involvement in a specific program entails, click the link below.

What’s the Process for Getting Involved?


1. Fill Out Form


Whether you’re looking to start volunteering in a program or simply looking to become a prayer partner, complete the corresponding information below to let us know who you are and help us begin finding the right fit for your gifts and talents.


2. Check Us Out


It’s not a requirement, but we love it when people interested in helping stop by to either observe a program in action or to start a conversation with our staff. We’re always happy to pair you with a staff member or willing volunteer who can show you around and answer any questions you may have.


3. Volunteer Matching Process


Once we’ve heard from and possibly met you to know a little more about who you are, when you’re available, and what your skills & interests are, we’ll follow up with you to figure out the right volunteer fit. Or, if you already know what you’d like to do, we’ll work on screening and getting you educated & ready to begin helping out.

Start Here


Online Interest Form

Fill out our online volunteer interest form below, and then we will follow up with you as soon as we can.

Print Interest Form

Prefer to write on paper? Print out, complete, and return this paper copy of our volunteer interest form, and we will follow up as soon as we can.

Join our Prayer List

Want to start by being a prayer partner—getting to know a little more about who we are, what we’re working toward, and what successes and challenges our students are sharing with us? Join the prayer list to make a great impact and keep our faith at the center of who we are and what we’re doing.


Contact Us

Looking for more information yet or aren’t quite sure about if you’re ready to fill out our volunteer interest form but want to begin a conversation with us about the possibilities that exist for getting involved? Click the link below to get in touch with us.